Eyðibýli á Íslandi

About the Abandoned farms association

Abandoned farms association is a non-profit association established 2011.  It is responsible for the research project of Abandoned farms in Iceland where their main history are captured and registered.

The main participants of the project are the following private companies and their owners:

R3-Consultancy ltd.
·         Gísli Sverrir Árnason culture and public administration consultant
·         Garðar Jónsson business consultant.
·         Tryggvi Árnason marketing consultant. 

Gláma-Kím architects
·         Árni Kjartansson architect and structural engineer.
·         Sigbjörn Kjartansson architect and geologist.

Stapi – Geology Consultancy
·         Ómar Bjarki Smárason geologist.

An example of the project‘s collaborative parterns:

·         The University of Iceland, School of Humanities.
·         Institute of Archeology.
·         The University of Iceland, Archeology.
·         Hólar University – Department of Tourism.
·         Reykjavik City Museum.
·         Jon Nordsteien architect.
·         National and University Library of Iceland.
·         Iceland Academy of Arts, hönnunar- og arkitektúrdeild.
·         The Cultural Heritage Agency of Iceland.
·         National Museum of Iceland.
·         National Archives of Iceland.

Project managers:
Sigbjörn Kjartansson architect, Gláma-Kím architects. Email: [email protected].
Gísli Sverrir Árnason culture and public andministration consultant, R3-Consultancy.  Email: [email protected].

Eyðibýli áhugamannafélag  -  Síðumúla 33, 108 Reykjavík  -  Sími: 588-5800  -  Netfang: [email protected]  -  Veffang: www.eydibyli.is
