Eyðibýli á Íslandi

The research - Abandoned farms in Iceland

Many abandoned farms exists in the rural area in Iceland.  Most of them have initially been properly built, they are still in fare shape and have an enormous historical value.  The ultimate objective of the research is to collect information and register the scope of these farms and illustrate the heritage value.  This is believed to raise interests internationally and promote the Icelandic tourism.  Motivating their protection is simultaneously an important objective of the research.

The research started 2011 after one year preparation.  The South part of Iceland was first covered followed by the first publication, Volume 1.  The second and third Volume were publiched a year later covering the West-part and the North-east part of Iceland.  The Volume 4 and 5 were published 2013 covering the North-west part and the Westfjord.  In total, 556 abandoned farms have been covered already. 

Abandoned farms in the research are the houses which have been abandoned and are not used or intended to use as a residence.

Eyðibýli áhugamannafélag  -  Síðumúla 33, 108 Reykjavík  -  Sími: 588-5800  -  Netfang: [email protected]  -  Veffang: www.eydibyli.is
